Gamma Ballhopper Ez Travel Cart 150, Black
Gamma Ballhopper Ez Travel Cart 150, BlackGammaBEZT00 is a very powerful product. Ever since I bought Gamma Ballhopper Ez Travel Cart 150, BlackGammaBEZT00 on the Internet. I enjoy it very much. It is the use of its durability and its shape. In addition, the products are affordable and value for money, Gamma Ballhopper Ez Travel Cart 150, BlackGammaBEZT00 should be. If you are looking for this type of product and what it is I highly recommend Gamma Ballhopper Ez Travel Cart 150, BlackGammaBEZT00. It will not make you regret it. Because now I can recommend to people looking for a similar product to try. Gamma Ballhopper Ez Travel Cart 150, BlackGammaBEZT00 appears that they are very satisfied. And that it is affordable. So I would recommend Gamma Ballhopper Ez Travel Cart 150, BlackGammaBEZT00.
Gamma Ballhopper Ez Travel Cart 150, Black Overview
The GAMMA EZ Travel Cart 150 is a lightweight cart specifically designed for the Teaching Pro who travels between locations, and the serious player or tennis club looking for a mobile ball carrier. The EZ Travel Cart features a durable nylon ball bag that clips securely into the top of the cart, a patented cross brace support under the ball bag and durable swivel rubber wheels (two locking wheels). The EZ Travel Cart compresses and stores in its own carrying case in under 15 seconds. The EZ Travel Cart is the ultimate portable teaching cart. Capacity : 150 Balls Color : Black
Gamma Ballhopper Ez Travel Cart 150, Black Feature
- A lightweight cart specifically designed for the Teaching Pro who travels between locations
- Features a durable nylon ball bag that clips securely into the top of the cart
- Compresses and stores in its own carrying case in under 15 seconds.
- Capacity: 150 balls
- Available in Black